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Age 9


What I accomplished in 2011


2011 was a big year for Lauren as she found her love for Cycling.


Blazing saddles Junior Winner 


Chapman Trophy


Cecil cook


Emitremmus - big crash but got up and carried on riding got 1/2 way



In October ​2010 Lauren, who was 8 years old finally learnt to ride her bike.

We spent several years trying to get Lauren to ride a two wheel bike without success. Then one day in the October holidays in 2010, Lauren informed us that she was going out to ride her bike. She got on and rode around the block with her mum behind her and did it all by herself. She was so pleased with herself and enjoyed it so much she announced that she wanted to ride everywhere and see all the country. From that moment we could hardly get her off the bike.  We started looking round for a club or somewhere where she could ride. Eventually in March 2011 we found the Stevenage CTC, so Lauren and her dad decided to go along for a ride.



Time Trial
Mountain Bike
British Cycling Statistics
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2010 - present

2010 - present

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